Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Transferable Skills

My poor drafting board had been sorely neglected. Between AutoCad for work, and quite frankly, not much work in Architecture lately, my drafting board has been collecting dust.

Fast forward to cutting out coin purses and coasters..."Gee, I wish I could just cut like I was drafting"...Aha moment! So that's what the rotary cutter is for! Works like a charm.

OK, so Mayline purist are probably thinking "You should never use a parallel edge to cut"...well, that went out the window years ago with model making. You learn to work around the little nicks in the edge anyway.

So here we are, lining up the pattern with the horizontal edge. The rotary cutter slices through beautifully.

Next, take your large triangle. 45 degree works great since it can help to lay out squares.

Start sewing! The perfectly aligned edges make for happy sewing.

I can't claim this little pouch however, learned how to make it from the best zippered pouch tutorial ever:


Thanks twelve22!

Anyway, here is what the finished product looks like. Listed to Etsy this afternoon. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=29512678&ref=sr_gallery_1&&ga_search_query=modern+hawaii&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=date_desc&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title

Time to print more fabric!